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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

7 Strategies Guaranteed to Increase Your Alexa Ranking! - foamposites for sale

By clicking on the URL, visitors will be able to reach your detailed rating page and write a review using the review link located on the left hand side of the page foamposites for sale.4. Write your own site reviews on the top 100 rated Alexa sites and include your redirect URL.

The top 500 domains, according to Alexa can be found at , be sure to use the redirection URL we discussed in number 2 above specifically for your website (( ) foamposites for sale. 5. Download the Alexa ranking button, traffic history graph, info links, and other traffic counters onto the page of your website that receives the most traffic.

For example, at the bottom of my home page ( ), Ive added the Alexa ranking box lebron shoes for sale. You can do the same for your own site by visiting ll notice that I havent added the traffic history graph.

This is because it wouldnt look appropriate on my home page and because Alexa is only providing detailed history on the top 100,000 sites nike dunks for sale. So if youre not in the top 100,000, site stats would not be available.

6. Take an inexpensive ad out on the ExactSeek search directory at ll notice that if a website is highly ranked on ExactSeek, chances are that it will be highly ranked on Alexa.7. Get listed on as many search engines as possible by placing a free listing in DMOZ. This is the largest human edited directory on the web and is co-branded among hundreds of thousands of sites. Be patient though, it often takes up to 5 months before you see your website listed after submission. Even though it takes longer than it should, you have little say in the matter because its so widely used across the Internet.

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